How To Avoid The Top 4 Mistakes Most Homeowner’s Make When Adding An Addition On Their House…Saving You Thousands Of Dollars On Your Next Home Addition
1. Not Choosing The Right Contractor
Get the top 7 things to look out for when hiring a contractor for your home addition. Skipping these can lead to a stressful and frustrating construction process, with increased costs of having to fix and redo poorly done and incorrect work.
2. Not Designing Proper Flow Of The New Addition To The Current House
Discover how to make your new addition perfectly flow with your current floor plan. Most homeowner’s find out these BIG mistakes after the project is completed, and it’s too late to fix…
3. Not Having The Proper Well & Septic
Find out how to make sure your new addition has the proper well and septic including 1 tip (that most home improvement contractors have no clue about) that could save you thousands, by not having to dig up and replace your well and septic.
4. Improper And Inefficient Heating & HVAC
Learn the best way to warm and cool your new space, saving you the most money on your system and utility bills. Not doing this correctly could have your new addition be a “sauna” or cost you a fortune for heating and A/C.
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